Friday, April 30, 2010

A walk on the farm

   Took a walk in the woods yesterday. Very nice day. Thought I would do a photo post for the spring.
Theses are some of the girls laying in the sun ,chewing their cud, and singing to themselves.

Flame azalia didn't bloom as nicely this year.




Carolina allspice



Momet and Sweetie March kids

Look mom I can get my whole foot in my mouth.


lisa said...

Very nice! It is supposed to be in the 70's and 80's here this weekend.

sunset pines farm said...

I too love walking in our woods and just taking time to notice things like plants and rocks.

John Going Gently said...

what a lovely blog...i would love some goats

greetings from wales (UK)

berryvine said...

Thanks everyone.Had our blackberry winter the last couple days.I would love for you to have some goats John. They are alot of fun. I would help you out but the UK is a bit far to ship them.

sunset pines farm said...

you don't happen to have a Boer baby(or a Boer cross) for sale or trade? Dehorned by any chance?
I am running into problems with our local 4H office and trying to locate one for my daughter to show.

berryvine said...

Polly there must be a shortage this year or alot more kids showing. I only had one buckling this year and he is spoken for. The guy who supplies our 4H called to get kids from me. We don't dehorn the boer kids. Check with Cochran goat farm. They have some great kids and bloodlines .Show winners! A bit further south there is sonshine Boers She has some nice goats also.